It's about time.....
It has been several years now that I wanted a blog of my own (with a yard, driveway, and pony in the back...). This month's Anthropology News once again encouraged anthropologists to get out there in the public and talk.
I can not promise that what I write will only be related to anthropology. It will frequently be related to politics. It will sometimes be on life in the Washington, D.C. area, which is it's own unique form of insanity. But because all of these things are connected to me, this blog will focus on that and more.
Right now I must grade tests or my students will riot in class tomorrow. Have you ever face a class of 25 undergrads who believe that if they don't get their test back this day they will not know what to do next in their studies? It is not pretty.
I teach at a community college, which in the famous words of Dr. Science "a university which has chosen to remain nameless."
And like Dr. Science, I too have a master's degree.... in science. But I am even better, because I have two of them, in fact. This makes me officially dangerously over-educated.
I may yet welcome your comments. In the meantime ponder what lies before us in our web journey ahead..... [It's obvious that have been reading way too much bad literature of late].