Henry Rollins, let me count the ways....
Okay, I have to admit it, although I am a punk (an older one, but still one), I never really cared for the music of Black Flag. (We saw them open for the Ramones back in 1981 - Black Flag being the only band in the world louder than the Ramones - and I have heard Black Flag many times since then.)
But I have been of a fan of Henry Rollins' more recent work and his political (and other) musings.
Someone who is smart, intelligent, punk and hey, can function in the "real" world. I like that type of person.
But now I love Henry Rollins because of this: His "love" letter to Ann Coulter.
I laughed so much I had to watch it three times. That night.
Dear Henry: Thank you, thank you, thank you! I desperately needed that.
Of course, as a teacher, one of the big problems with Ann Coulter's "writing" is that she is not alone in her use of crappy research and poorly written projects. I think her lack of clear citations and amazingly stunning plagiarism is a symptom of a commonly recurring problem.
But she is also completely nutsy cuokoo.
Thank you also to the amazing, the beautiful, and the wise Randi Rhodes, for sending the link along.
More thoughts later. I attended Balticon a few weekends ago and had a great time. For all those sci-fi geeks looking for a community. There it is - find us - we still exist!
The Geek
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